Keep Calm and make an Informed Choice.

Naima Omar
4 min readJun 25, 2022

Birth control isn’t perfect so about half of all pregnancies are unplanned. Some of these unplanned pregnancies are perceived as a problem that needs to be solved. If you consider your pregnancy a problem, how do you solve it?

The most popular option is to adjust your attitude. Being pregnant and becoming a parent is a huge step in life and may seem overwhelming if you weren’t expecting it, but it is pretty much the whole point of life. If you enjoy a challenge and like keeping busy becoming a parent will give your life meaning. You have a few months to get ready and babies are adorable. You wouldn’t be alive to have sex in the first place if someone wasn’t kind and generous enough to give birth to you so it might be nice to pay it forward and give the next generation a chance to exist.

Such an optimistic outlook doesn’t fit everyone, and many people choose to abort an unwanted pregnancy. There is a lot of worry in The United States about legal abortions being taken away. Earlier this year abortion laws varied considerably by state. but abortion was allowed everywhere. In Alaska, Colorado New Hampshire, New Jersey Oregon, and Vermont abortion was legal with very few restrictions.

In Virginia, abortion was legal in the first trimester restricted in the second trimester banned in the third trimester unless the pregnant woman’s health or life is in danger. In Florida, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Nevada abortions were banned after 24 weeks unless the pregnant woman’s health or life is in danger. In most other states abortion was banned at 20 weeks or at the point when the fetus reaches viability. In Texas, abortions are banned after six weeks, and Oklahoma and New Mexico have banned any abortion that is not performed to save the life and health of the pregnant woman. Many of these laws have exceptions for rape and incest. These laws are expected to change in the near future with about 13 states planning to restrict access to abortion in some way. Kentucky, Louisiana and South Dakota may have already banned elective abortions. Arkansas, Idaho, Mississippi, The Dakotas, Missouri. Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wyoming are expected to ban abortion very shortly.

If you live in one of the many states that allow abortion all you have to do is find a clinic and make an appointment. Some places require some form of counseling or education 24 hours before the procedure. If you are a minor, you may need to get parental consent.

What do you do if you don’t want to be pregnant and you live in a state that has outlawed abortion? You can possibly travel to another state or Mexico to get an abortion or maybe just order some abortion pills online. Do not attempt a do-it-yourself abortion using any sort of physical object. You could end up killing yourself in the process. There are abortion advocacy groups that can help you with obtaining and taking abortion pills safely. Las Libres is one such organization Aid Access is another. For information about how to safely and legally end your own pregnancy contact the legal Repro Helpline.

If you don’t want to be a parent but are uncomfortable with killing an innocent, you might want to consider adoption. There is a difference between relinquishing an infant for adoption and abandoning a baby. It’s legal to abandon a baby in certain places like a fire station or hospital. The authorities will place the baby with a foster family until it can be adopted. If you want to make sure your baby is adopted by a good family and doesn’t end up in foster care, you may want to contact an adoption agency. You can also try to get a close friend or family member to adopt the baby. Adoption regulations vary by state, so you want to find a local adoption agency. Here is a list of the best adoption agencies in each state. Most of these agencies have websites with information on what to expect. Adoption can be open meaning you can still be a part of the child’s life or closed meaning you won’t see your child unless they decide to find you. You can usually pick which family will adopt your baby and sometimes receive financial support during the pregnancy. This is a difficult decision that will involve nosy people judging you and emotional turmoil. You are allowed to change your mind at the last minute and keep the baby.

If you are undecided, you can visit a crisis pregnancy center. These centers will provide limited medical services and information about adoption and resources for single mothers. They may even offer a few supplies like diapers or bottles. There may not be a perfect option. No matter what you do there will be advantages and drawbacks. Just look into each option and find the one that you can realistically live with.

